Rachel Ozerkevich

From community-minded installations, documentary photographs, confrontational mixed-media sculptures, to hyper-realist paintings, the following works force us to reconsider what basketball is on a…
This constellation of artists was all occupied with the problem of how to best represent an experience or a three-dimensional subject and all the weight and movement it carried. All these artists…
Here, hundreds of miles south of the Canadian Arctic and Nunangat (the Canadian Inuit homeland territories), is the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit artworks.
Prints from the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Though his works feature prominently in many of Canada’s most prestigious arts institutions and he is considered one of the country’s most celebrated modernist artists, David Milne has been described…
Prints and Carvings from the Artistic Capital of the North
Witness a golden age of entertainment through dozens of beautifully-preserved posters advertising magicians and their feats of incredible illusionism.
Sanctuary asks viewers to consider themes as diverse yet interconnected as sustainability, migration, belonging, and cultural identity, all of which seem precarious in 2020.