Angelica Frey

When we think of visages that defined Renaissance art between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, we're drawn to depictions of mythological and biblical figures and unnamed dames. Yet these…
Looking Back as the 700th Anniversary of His Death Approaches
If one symbol represents love, power, royalty, beauty, sensuality, and mysticism–it is the rose. This slide show will focus on the prominence of roses in Western art from the first millennium BCE to…
Bartolo—known better as Morgante—was the sharp and quick-witted “buffoon” of Cosimo I’s court (1537 to 1569). In 1555, Cosimo I granted Morgante a ducal privilege in which he is defined as “our most…

Can the visual arts capture movement in stillness? This slideshow traces the representation of dance, particularly of…

Despite its ugly political connotation acquired in the decades that followed the inception of twentieth-century neoclassicism, this artistic movement fully expressed the cultural zeitgeist of…
How an idealized visual representation of the male form that originated in Ancient Greece has survived more or less intact until today
More than just muses, the models that made Pre-Raphaelite art a success had artistic ambitions of their own.