Dutch Golden Age

The largest Vermeer exhibition ever staged just opened at the Rijk in Amersterdam. Gathering 28 of his 37 paintings, the exhibition is a closer than ever look into Vermeer’s artistic practice.
While Rembrandt and Vermeer remain perhaps the most famous painters of the era, there are a plentitude of other Dutch Golden Age artists worth remembering.

A fascinating thing about our eyes is their ability to deceive us. From how our visual system and brain perceive an image in front of us, the…

Scholars and curators are reviving these oeuvres and changing the way we talk about women in art history. From the paper cuttings of Joanna Koerten to the drawings of Gesina Ter Borch, here is a…
The Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame has added an important Dutch still life by a follower of Osias Beert I to its collection of seventeenth-century European art.
In moments of agitation, personal and nation-wide, what would often best calm us down are not pills or meditation - but the right works of art. Here are seven of the world's most calming works of art…
Vermeer and his contemporaries layered their paintings of domestic life with different meanings and interpretations. In this video, art critic Alastair Sooke and our specialist Maja Markovic take a…
At 355 years old, Johannes Vermeer's iconic Girl with a Pearl Earring still has secrets to reveal.