Art Feature Articles

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Artists, a Gallerist, & a Historian Weigh in on the Merits of the Style
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What sparks an artist? More to the point, what sparks Marjorie Welish? Clearly, it is she who ignites the multitude of sparks in diagrams and constructions, drawings and plans, paintings and prints,…
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The surrealism of Rosenstein’s work comes from the way something so bewitching can also be nightmarish, bodily, ironic, and enigmatic.
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In 1931—between the Great Depression and segregation—a beautiful tombstone was often a privilege denied. Edmonson lost his janitorial job at a Nashville hospital and felt inspired to pursue a new…
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Here, hundreds of miles south of the Canadian Arctic and Nunangat (the Canadian Inuit homeland territories), is the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit artworks.
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When the name of American-born artist James McNeill Whistler comes up most people immediately think of his iconic painting Arrangement in Grey and Black #1, an austere portrait of Anna McNeill…
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Could the Exhibition of Socialist Monuments Offer Guidelines for Americans to Recontextualize Confederate Statues?
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There is much to ponder about creative shifts in late-career artmaking. It’s a subject that has always fascinated scholars and audiences in all the arts because we usually expect painters, like…
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Beyond fire-breathing reptiles, however, are 100+ artworks, viewed not in chronological order, but according to four basic themes: heroes and adventure; fairy tales; mythology; and good versus evil.