contemporary art

San Antonio, TX – Commissioned by the McNay Art Museum from New Orleans-native Anastasia Pelias, mama is comprised of a monumental sculpture immersed within a painted landscape, and is…

From February 14-17, Superfine! Art Fair touches down at Magic Box at The Reef in DTLA. Bringing with it a cadre of 250 contemporary artists including both gallery booths and self-represented solo…
Graciela Iturbide, one of the most prolific and insightful documenters of life and culture in Mexico is sharing her vision of a complex nation at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston (MFA Boston). Graciela…
Enrique Martínez Celaya’s ongoing examination of coming of age is the subject of his first solo exhibition at Denver’s Robischon Gallery,The Boy: Witness and Marker 2003 - 2018. Opening January 17,…
Sarah Sze is an artist best known for her sculpture and installation art. In this video, Sze introduces her approach to making art and describes her work Seamless.
Now at Phillips’ New York gallery space, the AMERICAN AFRICAN AMERICAN selling exhibition examines the historical and social impact of African American artists from the 1950’s to the present. Open to…
Award-winning children's book author Oliver Jeffers brings a sense of curiosity and a narrative sensibility to a new series of oil paintings at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery. For All We Know, examines the…
The UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) opens its 2019 exhibition season with a presentation of new work by the acclaimed Berkeley-based artist and designer Masako Miki. An…