contemporary art

Chicago-based artist Mika Horibuchi is interested in tricks and slips in visual perception. The curtains, window blinds, and optical illusions she uses as subjects often conceal as much as they…

An array of optical illusions, trompe l’oeil, and hyperrealism are on display in Chicago Works: Mika Horibuchi, now at the MCA Chicago. Horibuchi’s work plays with the nature of reality,…

Phillips Auction House has a new exhibition this summer that brings together fashion, art, culture, and charity. Curated by Elizabeth Semmelhack, Senior Curator at the…

Polish born artist Goshka Macuga is known for taking on the role of curator and archivist within her practice. We visit Goshka in her London Studio as she explains her meticulous research process…

Pace Gallery is pleased to present Fred Wilson: Afro Kismet, an exhibition featuring the artist’s most recent body of work originally produced for the 15th Istanbul Biennial in the Fall…

On July 10th, Fred Wilson: Afro Kismet opened at Pace Gallery, New York after a four week run at Pace London this past Spring. Wilson was catapulted into notoriety with his revolutionary…

This weekend marks the inaugural opening of FRONT International, Cleveland’s new Triennial for Contemporary Art. Centered around the theme “An American City,” FRONT seeks to push the boundaries of…

The Fabric Workshop and Museum is pleased to present, Poorly Watched Girls, a solo exhibition by performance and installation artist Suzanne Bocanegra.