contemporary art

Featuring works from Yayoi Kusama, Thomas Struth, Blair Thurman, Rob Pruitt, Henry Taylor, and others.

Back by popular demand, Artsy and Phillips present 'Summer School,' the second edition of our co-curated online-only sale of affordable artworks for easy collecting. The sale includes contemporary…

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), in collaboration with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, presents John Gerrard: Solar Reserve, the first Los Angeles presentation of Solar…

The first major US solo exhibition of works by Cecilia Vicuña opens this summer at the University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA…

"Heliotrope," showcasing new work by Pard Morrison, is now at San Francisco’s Brian Gross Fine Art. This is Morrison’s fourth solo show at the venue. Featuring three monolithic, freestanding…

An American who has lived in South Africa for the past thirty years, Ballen began his career as a geologist. He is now one of the most important and influential photographic artists of the 21st…

Pocket Full of Posies includes sculptural and wall-hung works that are created through a variety of technical processes to communicate the essence of Aranda’s (re)appropriated source…

Currently at Seattle’s Frye Art Museum, Juventino Aranda’s Pocket Full of Posies explores how everyday objects become symbols of identity and social strata. Aranda grew up in…