Watch This/Not That

Truly great films can be hard to come by, especially with the endless options afforded by streaming platforms these days. That's why Art & Object is bringing you this curated list of top options.
Pablo Picasso, arguably the most recognized name in 20th-century art, is also one of the most frenetically prolific, and well-documented.
Michelangelo, Van Gogh, and Picasso have been alluring subjects for filmmakers throughout the history of cinema. Artists of far lesser stature have also inspired filmmakers over the years. Some are…
Artists have provided inspirational subject matter for filmmakers since the earliest days of moving image storytelling and none have occupied a more central place in filmmaker’s imaginations than…
Films about “great” male artists like Picasso and Van Gogh abound, but if you look hard and dig deep enough you’ll find films about great women artists, some well-worth watching, others, not so much.
Art and Object Marketplace - A Curated Art Marketplace