
Her densely layered abstractions feature found materials—paper bags, food wrappers, vinyl insulation strips, and storefront awnings—from a wide range of sources, incorporating art-historical, legal,…

Curated by Richard Kalina

Opening Reception Thursday, June 13th, 6-8pm


PPOW Gallery presents Blast by the late artist Prunella Clough, who is widely regarded as the most significant British artist of the post-war period.

From the Press Release:…

From his sprawling studio space and the large moss garden outside his home, artist Brice Marden discusses his approach to abstraction and how paintings can transport viewers to another time and…

Aicon Gallery in New York is showcasing the work of New Delhi-based Shobha Broota. An educator and award-winning artist, Broota has had a 60-year career exhibiting internationally. Resonance…

Artist Ellsworth Kelly, a minimalist pioneer, recalls his first encounter with abstraction and reflects on how his decades-long fascination with line, form, and color has manifested in both his…

From 20 July to 21 September, Sotheby’s S│2 London will present two solo exhibitions: one dedicated to Japanese artist, Tsuyoshi Maekawa, in gallery one, and the other to British sculptor, Ewen…

Over the last 10 years, Kim Keever’s art has transitioned from creating imaginary landscapes to pure abstraction. His early photographs involved constructing miniature topographies in a 200-gallon…