contemporary art

Leslie Parke brings her large, textured abstractions to Gremillion and Company, Fine Arts, Inc in Houston this month. Her canvasses, some measuring more than seven feet across, and photographs offer…
Equal parts punk rock spirit and accessible art market innovation, Superfine! brings a new look and location to its 2019 New York fair, leaving the Meatpacking and landing at 107 Grand Street in Soho…
For nearly four decades, Chippewa aritst David Bradley has been a major participant in and critic of the Santa Fe art scene. Luckily, Bradley has a biting sense of humor, and he brings this and a…
Basquiat and Warhol once roamed these streets, but there’s a new kid in town. Enter Superfine! Art Fair. Equal parts punk rock spirit and accessible art market innovation, Superfine! brings a new…
Watch the bidding battle unfold as a buyer shatters the auction record for street artist KAWS.
Did you know that almost all of Jeffrey Gibson's materials are sourced from a vendor that serves the powwow circuit? Hear from the artist as he talks hip hop, art school, identity politics, and…
“Miniatures offer changes of scale by which we measure ourselves anew,” writes Lia Purpura, in her essay On Miniatures, which reminds us small artworks have an outsized impact on our sense of who we…
The Painting Center is pleased to present Worlds Without Rooms, the first solo exhibition for New York-based artist Alannah Farrell.