
With Mickey Mouse's birthday being celebrated on November 18, we look back across the decades to see how his look has changed with the times.
Following a trend that started in the late 1800s, Western photographers were sent abroad to create images of foreign countries. Such photographs, oftentimes created through an imperialist and…
Davie’s works are at once anxiety-producing, witty, and enigmatic. She takes us both inside and outside the body, through wild dancing lines, swirling movements, and smashed-up forms; pushing upward…
Even as traditional outlets for it shrink, socially conscious art and the desire to make it remain as strong as ever.
Before she was a renowned graphic memoirist and winner of a MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant, Alison Bechdel was an archivist of the self. She plundered the flotsam and jetsam of her childhood to…
Celebrating the art of the caricature

Known for his satirical watercolors with biting social commentary, Thomas  Rowlandson’s popular works were widely circulated as prints in the Edwardian Era. The setting for the Rowlandson…

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