ancient art

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are legendary sculptural and architectural splendors as well as historic testaments to human ingenuity and accomplishment. First century BCE Greek historian…

Greater attention is often paid to the causes of wars than to their aftermath. The Boston Tea Party of 1773 is immortalized in paintings, but the resettlement…

Although such collections were kept by a wide range of groups and individuals—from Tsars to churches and apothecaries to scientific academies—a new wave of scholars have taken particular interest in…

A visual history of Zoroastrianism—allegedly humanity’s oldest monotheistic religion—materializes only to the most determined eyes. Buried under millennia of…

The ancient Greek body is perhaps one of the most recognizable and influential forms in art history.

For over five thousand years, the art of

There are many concerns and issues that surround the use of genuine ancient coins in commercial retail. For one, there is the issue of availability and authenticity. Ancient coins tend to be found…

A recent discovery of hidden hieroglyphics in the ancient Egyptian tomb of…