contemporary art

Employing a distinctively unrestrained visual vocabulary of vivid colors and bold patterns, anthropomorphic forms and irregular shapes, Noségo's richly colorful, dreamily surreal new series explore…
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen and Erich Weiss discuss social-cultural themes that directly affect the artist's work, such as her experience as a multi-cultural woman and the challenges she has faced as…
Through a new installation, artist Olafur Eliasson is urging Londoners to engage with climate change in a new way. In collaboration with geologist Minik Rosing, Eliasson has installed a group of 24…

Mark Bradford's exhibition for the 2017 Venice Biennale, Tomorrow Is Another Day, reflects the artist's longstanding belief in art’s ability to expose contradictory histories and inspire…

As soon as you enter the first gallery at the North Carolina Museum of Art that holds Candida Höfer’s large format photographs, you are transported. Commanding the space, her mostly symmetrical…
Zac Hacmon’s interactive border-crossing work titled Gateway is currently on view at Smack Mellon as part of a group show featuring artists who reveal a capacity for empathy, a willingness to reflect…
From Art Basel Miami’s 2018 showing, we’ve rounded up our favorite highlights, from new works fresh from the studio to up-and-coming artists.
SCOPE Miami Beach illuminates the horizon in a rainbow of color at this year’s showcase along Ocean Drive, on display from December 4 to 9 at the Miami Beach Pavillion.