Studio Visit with Artist Cary Fagan

As part of its Say it Loud online exhibition, Christie's visited acclaimed artist and photographer Cary Fagan in his studio. In this video, Cary talks about the ability to stop time with his work and describes photography as his teacher. "What I love about film is that it slows you down. It allows you to think about what you are about to do before you take image". Since dropping out of art school, Cary spent a decade developing a consistent style and set of skills while learning the ins and outs of the craft. "Photography is my teacher. When you make a mistake, you are able to reflect on that mistake." Say it Loud (I’m Black and I’m Proud), curated by Destinee Ross-Sutton, is Christie's first exhibition dedicated to the promotion and empowerment of Black art. The exhibition celebrates 22 young, emerging and mid-career artists across Africa and its diaspora.

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