Public Art

One hundred life-size Indian elephant sculptures are slowly making their way across the United States. The Great…

In 1999, Friends of the High Line was founded by Joshua David and Robert Hammond, with the intention of preserving the greenery that had developed in the underused, elevated train…

eL Seed's multimedia work combines elements of painting, sculpture, and writing. After long periods of research, he introduces text-forward art installations in different communities, using language…
Amy Laugesen sculpts horses and mules in homage to their roles in the history of Colorado. However, her rustic yet elegant ceramic and mixed-media equine sculptures look as if they could have been…
Could the Exhibition of Socialist Monuments Offer Guidelines for Americans to Recontextualize Confederate Statues?
How CITYarts Transformed Alexander Hamilton Playground with Community Youth and Artist Hugo Bastidas: Following in the Footsteps of Alexander Hamilton was a 3-year long mural project in Harlem, NY (…
Illuminate Coral Gables (ICG), a new public art initiative focusing on the intentional use of light and technology to transform public art by day into magical and mysterious work at night, will be on…
In 1931 when Mexican muralist Diego Rivera visited San Francisco with his wife, Frida Kahlo, both were still up-and-coming artists.