January 2022 Art News

Although Sotheby’s sale of Sandro Botticelli’s The Man of Sorrows was proceeded by considerable hype and still managed to close with an impressive bid, the sale was not as grand, nor the painting as ultimately expensive, as pre-sale estimates had led many to expect.
What constitutes an artist? Perhaps your first thought is as straightforward as this author's was: An artist is someone who creates masterful works of art. And yet, many masterful artworks, past and present, were created by the artist and a team of assistants.


Artist Anicka Yi answers questions from the public about her 2021-22 Tate Modern Hyundai Commission: In Love With The World. Yi is known for her experimental work which explores the merging of technology and biology. Through breaking down distinctions between plants, animals, micro-organisms and machines, she asks us to think about further understanding ourselves as humans and the ecosystems we live in. Hyundai Commission: In Love With The World is on at Tate Modern until 6 February 2022

Vellum LA and DIVERSEartLA share the goal of broadening the conversation around art, redefining what has value and who gets to call themselves artists. “At the end of the day, art is subjective,” offers Velicescu. “What did naysayers say when contemporary art came around? ‘I can do that.’ Well, do it then."
Master Drawings New York (MDNY) is pleased to announce highlights from 21 of the world’s leading art dealers of works from the fourteenth to the twentyfirst centuries to be exhibited at the highly-anticipated 2022 edition of the fair.
Provenance reveals the lives of collectors and the fortunes and fates that cling to the object like so many layers of dust. Such is the premise for this exhibition in which artist and author de Waal reconstructs the history of his family around a diminutive heirloom passed down through the generations.
The word salon has a rich history of its own and was even used to indicate several different things within France in this period including an elite social gathering often led by a woman, a large reception hall, or an academic art exhibition.
Roman ruins are not normally found in the buildings of insurance companies. Yet in the Rome headquarters of Enpam—the National Insurance and Assistance Body for Doctors and Dentists—visitors descend below ground to the remains of an ancient luxury garden complex. 
A collection of drawings by Jewish Argentinian-American artist Mauricio Lasansky took the world by storm after their debut at the Whitney Museum of Art in 1967, followed by a tour of North America. The drawings depicted the Holocaust in all its brutal horror.
Street photography—the thoroughly unpredictable and often magical framing of a moment—was embraced early in the 20th century by women photographers. A new exhibition at Howard Greenberg Gallery will survey more than seven decades of work by 12 women photographers.
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