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Arte Povera, an Italian movement that emerged in the late 1960s, literally translates to "Poor Art," a term coined by critic Germano Celant. The movement was a radical departure from traditional art forms, rejecting commercialization and embracing a range of unconventional processes and materials. Artists associated with Arte Povera used everyday, "poor" materials like earth, rocks, cloth, paper, and even living animals, emphasizing a connection to nature and a rejection of the artificiality of the modern industrial world.

This movement was a response to the contemporary context of Italy's post-war boom, where rapid industrialization and modernization contrasted starkly with the country's classical heritage. Arte Povera artists sought to break down the boundaries between life and art, often creating installations, sculptures, and performances that were transient and dynamic.

In the context of contemporary art, Arte Povera has influenced many artists worldwide, underpinning the current interest in process-based and ephemeral art forms. It remains relevant for its focus on materiality and the exploration of the relationship between humans, nature, and art.

Collectors might be drawn to Arte Povera for its historical significance and its pioneering approach to materials and form. Arte Povera pieces often challenge conventional notions of what art can be, making them intriguing and thought-provoking additions to collections. These works often carry a strong narrative and conceptual depth, providing a stark contrast to more traditional or commercial art. Collecting Arte Povera can be seen as an investment in a moment of pivotal change in the art world, highlighting the collector's engagement with avant-garde and intellectually stimulating artworks.
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