contemporary art

Pop Art emerged in the US and the UK in the 1950s. The work of pop artists often elevates seemingly mundane or mass-produced items and imagery as a critique of the fine art world and its elitist…

In the past year, artificial intelligence (AI) has not only become more powerful, it has become highly accessible. One recent…

While summarizing a career as varied and complex as

This list includes Indigenous artists, groups, and galleries from across the world. From the Australia-based Kate Owen Gallery which exclusively showcases Aboriginal Art in a traditional gallery…

At 77 years old and after much speculation, Larry Gagosian just announced a plan of succession for his

Phillips’ always popular 20th Century Evening Auction made record-…

As the European location of the premier global destination for art and design education, SCAD Lacoste is now celebrating twenty years of creativity and innovation with the unveiling of Promenade de…
Oman, a country neighboring Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, witnessed the opening of its largest private art gallery during the pandemic, Alia Gallery. A converted warehouse located…