Art & Object Staff

On May 18, Art & Object will launch its first virtual art fair. The first of many vFairs to come, this premier installment—a Contemporary Art show that promises to embody the art world’s cutting…

Founded in 2017 by Manar and Sharifah Alhinai, Sekka is an online arts and culture platform that highlights remarkable stories from around the Arab…

When you ask people to name their favorite artist, the same names always seem to come up. In this roundup, we shine the spotlight back on our favorite lesser-known female artists. Perhaps after…
The latest issue of Sekka Magazine is dedicated to womanhood. Here are five stories from Sekka that explores Arab womanhood in the arts.
Each month, Art & Object is highlighting Sekka's best art stories. Here are the best art stories from Sekka from December 2021.
Join us in bidding 2021 goodbye with a review of our ten most popular stories of the year! Below, you'll find the names of our biggest stories, preview text, and direct links to each.
Each month, Art & Object is highlighting Sekka's best art stories. Here are the best stories from Sekka Magazine from November 2021.

Art & Object is excited to announce a new partnership with Sekka Magazine. Founded in 2017 by Manar and Sharifah Alhinai, Sekka