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Color Field Painting, emerging in the late 1940s and 1950s, is a style of abstract painting that emerged as part of the larger movement of Abstract Expressionism. It's characterized by large fields of flat, solid color spread across or stained into the canvas, creating areas of unbroken surface and a flat picture plane. The movement's aim was to focus on the purity of color itself, allowing it to stand alone as the subject of the painting.

Key figures in this movement included Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, and Clyfford Still. They sought to evoke emotion through the use of color alone, creating a contemplative or meditative experience in the viewer. Rothko, for instance, is known for his large canvases with soft, rectangular bands of color, evoking a sense of spirituality and transcendence.

In the realm of contemporary art, the influence of Color Field Painting is still significant. It paved the way for minimalism and influenced later generations of abstract painters. Modern artists continue to explore and expand upon the ideas of Color Field Painting, often incorporating new materials and technology.

Art collectors might be attracted to Color Field Paintings for their aesthetic purity and emotional impact. The simplicity and focus on color can create a powerful visual statement in any space. Collecting works from this movement allows for the ownership of a piece of art history that represented a pivotal moment in the transition from representational to abstract art. For many, these paintings are not just visually pleasing but also serve as a source of deep emotional or intellectual engagement.
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