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eL Seed's multimedia work combines elements of painting, sculpture, and writing. After long periods of research, he introduces text-forward art installations in different communities, using language to echo messages that are both universal and specific to the location.
Nujoom Al-Ghanem is, unquestionably, one of the pioneering artists of the UAE. She began her career as a poet and journalist, and she has since moved into multiple other mediums; she has published numerous collections, directed several films, and has represented the UAE at the Venice Biennale.
Maitha Abdalla’s oeuvre lives somewhere between the surreal world of dreams, the theatrical world of performance, and the very real cultural signifiers found within her daily life. Pulling imagery from the stories she grew up around, the young Emerati artist synthesizes nostalgia and social identity.
Hussain AlMoosawi is an Emirati designer and photographer whose work sits at the intersection of research and creativity. In an ongoing series, AlMoosawi photographs architectural facades around the United Arab Emirates, capturing and cataloging the multifaceted urban landscape. 
Disney’s Oscar-winning Encanto has been widely praised for what many have described as an unprecedented degree of well-executed, even poignant, representation. It seems this feat would not have been possible without the Colombian Cultural Trust.
Printmaking is an artform so ubiquitous we often take it for granted. From the screen-printed shirts we wear every day to the leaflets and posters we see on the street, the omnipresence of images in our world owes a huge debt to printmaking.
His gathering of marks “is about making a language,” he says. “I couldn’t do enough to get clarity, so I made groupings.” He divided them into categories—“Families,” “Beginnings,” and “Universes.” “It’s a matter of time—an ongoing project.” 
At 130 pounds, Brie Ruais is equal in weight and material substance to her collaborator: clay. Each work they embark on involves pulling out the partner’s guts and pushing them into a shape.
Amy Laugesen sculpts horses and mules in homage to their roles in the history of Colorado. However, her rustic yet elegant ceramic and mixed-media equine sculptures look as if they could have been created on another continent in another millennium.
The result is a series of large-scale canvases as well as sketches and drawings for his art debut, Gene Simmons ArtWorks at Animazing Gallery at ...
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